這是我今天刊登於明報 (加西版 D11) 副刊「無心的約會」專欄的文章。



Merry Christmas, Everyone!!
This is my article which published on Ming Pao Newspapers (Western Canada) D11 today.  I haven’t translated it into English, but in short: It encourages people to take actions and give others a “Merry Christmas” practically by doing whatever they can do, like: you can give some meaningful gifts through the charity organizations that you know and trust well (you can find some links below), or you can donate some old clothes and toys from your home, or you can volunteer your time and energy to help out.  Our little acts of kindness may bring someone a warm and happy Christmas.  But of course, we can do it anytime, not just in Christmastime. :)


相關網站 Related links:

世界宣明會 World Vision [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]

聖誕禮物行動 Operation Christmas Child [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]

願望成真基金 Make-A-Wish Foundation [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]

文化更新研究中心 Culture Regeneration Research Society [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]

救世軍 The Salvation Army [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]

charity: water

參觀完哈雷阿卡拉火山後,我們的觀光團帶了我們到另一個當地的旅遊點:伊奧溪谷州立公園 (Iao Valley State Park)。左邊的針尖山 (Iao Needle) 是2,000 呎高的岩石峰。

After visiting Haleakala, our day tour brought us to another local attraction: the Iao Valley State Park.  The Ian Needle on the left side is a 2,000-foot lava rock pinnacle.





Watching the beautiful Maui sunset once again before leaving Hawaii.


夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (1)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (2)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (3)

第三天,我們參加了一個一天團,到了哈雷阿卡拉國家公園 (Haleakala National Park),參觀島上最著名的旅遊聖地哈雷阿卡拉火山。

On the third day, we joined a day tour to go to Haleakala National Park, and visit Haleakala, the most well-known attraction on the island.


哈雷阿卡拉火山座落於茂宜島海拔10,023英尺之上。早期的夏威夷人將之命名為「太陽之家」。它是世上最大的睡火山,已有超過200 年沒有爆發。

Haleakala rises 10,023 feet above Maui’s coastal areas.  It’s called “House of the Sun” by early Hawaiians.  It is the world’s largest dormant volcano, has not erupted for more than 200 years.

(有關於「太陽之家」的傳說 About the Legend of the House of the Sun)




Many visitors come here to watch sunrise and sunset.

But because the air on the summit is so rarefied, I had a very hard time breathing up there.  Thank God that I survived eventually!!



Visitors can get a “survivor” certificate at the Haleakala Visitor Center after coming down from the summit.  While others were getting their own survivor certificates, our tour guide brought one to me by herself, because she thinks I’m the REAL SURVIVOR!!


夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (1)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (2)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (4)


Hawaiian salad and burger.  You will find a slice of fresh pineapple in the burger!



Listening to live Hawaiian music while having dinner.


我們在第二天看了夏威夷的傳統Luau 表演 “Honua’ula”

We watched the Hawaiian traditional Luau show “Honua’ula” on the second day.


夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (1)│  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (3)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (4)


上月我與母親和妹妹到了夏威夷的茂宜島  (Maui, Hawaii) 旅行。我們在島上逗留了五天,主要的活動就只是享受陽光與海灘。整個旅程非常的悠閒,我們都感到十分的開心,並且很享受在島上的時光。

Last month I had traveled to Maui, Hawaii, with my mom and sisters.  We stayed 5 days on the island.  Our main activity was just enjoying the sunshine and the beach.  The whole trip was really relaxing, we all felt very happy, and enjoyed the time on the island a lot.




Travelling to Hawaii was one of my goals and wishes of the year.  I’ve been dreamed the Hawaiian sunshine and the beaches since the beginning of the year.  Just as I thought that I would not be able to fulfill this wish in this year, a surprising travel plan came and made my dream came true!  And even more, our destination was Maui, where I have been dreamed the most!

God surely knew the desire of my heart.  Not only fulfilled my wish, He even fulfilled it more than I have imagined and asked for, and gave me and my family a very wonderful trip.


位於茂宜島西南海岸的維雷亞 (Wailea) 海灘。


The Wailea Beach, located at the Southwest coast of Maui.

I love walking on the beach, especially on these beautiful soft sands!  And I also love lying on the beach and doing nothing, just enjoying the sunshine, ocean breeze and the beautiful view in front of me.


夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (2)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (3)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (4)