晚上看《法證先鋒II》,劇情講到男主角Tim Sir 對一位凡事計算個人利益的女歌星說:「有時候可以幫人救人,是一種福氣。你有這種能力,但是你沒有這樣做。」

女歌星早前因自私而拒絕捐出骨髓去救助一位患病的小女孩。直到後來當她名利盡失,遇到Tim Sir,被他的一番話啟導過後,便決定捐出骨髓去救助那小女孩。她領悟到其實自己無須要懼怕會失去些甚麼,因為能夠擁有能力可以去幫人救人,那已是最寶貴的福氣了。




聽到Tim Sir 對女歌星所說的那番話後,我不禁去想到底自己擁有了多少可以幫人救人的能力?而我又有沒有盡我的能力,去幫助和拯救那些有需要的人呢?有沒有珍惜上天所賜給我的這些能力呢?



每個人的能力都各有不同,有些人擁有能力去拯救一個國家,有些人只擁有能力去給予一個笑容。但無論付出多或少,只要能夠珍惜自己所擁有的能力,量力而行便已經足夠了。正如德蘭修女所說:”If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” (如果你不能餵養一百人,那麼就只餵養一個人。)


  1. 讓我想起Mother Teresa和她說過的類似的話。


    Queenie Says:

    除了文中的那一句, 還有她的另外一句我也喜歡:
    “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” — Mother Teresa

  2. Hi Queenie, yes I have been watching that show as well ” Forensic Hero “, is kindda like CSI!

    thanks for the post and your way of interpreting it is so insightful! you’re using your gift of writing to help others!

    I remember that episode, my mother in law thinks I look like that girl who was acting as the singer! I don’t really think so though! lol!



    Queenie Says:

    Thanks Esther for your encouragement! :)

    Haha… I haven’t thought about that before, but now when I think again, you do look quite like her! esp. both of you have beautiful smiles!! :D

  3. This looks very appealing. I can tell that you’re saying something about the drama you’ve watched on tv. I would like to know what the whole thing is about, other than the little bits I can only understand.


    Queenie Says:

    You will be able to understand more Chinese as you read more ;)

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