這是我今天刊登於明報 (加西版 D11) 副刊「無心的約會」專欄的文章。
Merry Christmas, Everyone!!
This is my article which published on Ming Pao Newspapers (Western Canada) D11 today. I haven’t translated it into English, but in short: It encourages people to take actions and give others a “Merry Christmas” practically by doing whatever they can do, like: you can give some meaningful gifts through the charity organizations that you know and trust well (you can find some links below), or you can donate some old clothes and toys from your home, or you can volunteer your time and energy to help out. Our little acts of kindness may bring someone a warm and happy Christmas. But of course, we can do it anytime, not just in Christmastime. :)
相關網站 Related links:
世界宣明會 World Vision [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]
聖誕禮物行動 Operation Christmas Child [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]
願望成真基金 Make-A-Wish Foundation [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]
文化更新研究中心 Culture Regeneration Research Society [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]
救世軍 The Salvation Army [ 香港 ] [ Canada ]
charity: water
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