Winter is gradually leaving and we’re all eagerly awaiting the return of spring. The continual cycle of the seasons is an invariable and dependable part of nature. No matter how bitterly cold the winter, we can always count on spring to blanket the ground with budding flowers. Regardless of the oppressiveness of summer heat, we know autumn will refresh with cool winds. Changes in nature are not only beautiful and amazing but they also often reveal a profound truth to those who take the time to notice.

I once saw a sunrise when I was on a flight. It’s true what they say: The night is always darkest before the dawn. Before the sun rose murky black covered everything. But then the skies brightened with a dazzling rainbow of color and then the sun began to appear. The beauty of the rising sun was unforgettable. The event, though, meant more to me than seeing the mere magnificence of the birth of a new day. I actually found encouragement there. While challenges are a part of existence, as long as one patiently perseveres through the bleakest moments, the night will give way to a morning of hope and light. Like the moon and stars that are illuminated at night, we can shine through adversity.

When the weather is nice I like to take walks through the park to see the signs of the seasons changing. Every spring the sight of sprigs of new leaves budding on the trees fills me with a renewed sense of hope and optimism. The German theologian Martin Luther once said, “Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.” Each blossoming flower, each blade of grass, each thriving leaf has its own reason and purpose for living.

I also enjoy strolls on the beach. Seeing the wide expanse of the sky and the unending horizon lifts my mood and cheers my spirits. I like watching floating clouds in the sky, each with their own unique shape, because they inspire my creativity and desire to live with infinite possibilities. Sometimes when the ocean breeze blows gently it reminds me that if I believe I will see. Just like the seeds of flowers that scatter in the spring wind, we don’t know where they will necessarily land yet they find the place they were destined, take root and blossom.

On wet days I’m also thankful because the rains nourish the ground and purify the air. Even when there are tears I can be assured that clear skies will come. Sometimes after the rain we can even be delighted by rainbows in the sky!

Nature is spectacular and its wonders are innumerable. May we all learn to recognize and appreciate its creativity, power and the lessons we can glean from it.


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English Translation by Haymen Leong


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Originally posted on the Amira Culture website

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My other articles on Amira Culture:

活出最美好的一年 Make It Your Best Year

愛從小事開始 Love Begins with the Small Things

整然有序 Put First Thing First




天氣好的日子,我喜歡走到公園去散步。公園裡的景色隨着季節轉變。而每當春天來臨,花草樹葉重生長出的時候,讓人感覺充滿了新的希望。德國神學家馬丁路德說:「我們的主不單只在書籍上,也在春天的每片葉子上,寫上了復活的應許。」 一花一草一樹葉,也都有它們活着的因由和意義。



大自然不但精彩豐富,而且蘊含無數的奧秘。只要用心去欣賞和感受,我們也能夠在當中認識和體會得到其創意、能力,以及寶貴的啟示 。


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English Translation by Haymen Leong

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文章收錄於:吳蔚蔚 2015 年 散文集《愛從小事開始》

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原文刊載於 Amira Culture 網站

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其他 Amira Culture 專欄文章:

愛從小事開始 Love Begins with the Small Things

活出最美好的一年 Make It Your Best Year

整然有序 Put First Thing First

