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原載於 2002 年 6 月 14 日 加西版《明報》副刊版

文章收錄於:吳蔚蔚 2015 年 散文集《愛從小事開始》


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2011 年踏進了七月份,下半年度由此開始。正在想這未來半年希望達成甚麼目標和願望的時候,剛巧在網上看到一篇 “101 Wishes in 1000 Days”,讓我想到自己也曾經寫過不少這種願望列表(wish list)或任務列表(to do list)。不過現在想為 2011 年下半年(180 日)寫一張新的願望列表,所以只寫了 30 個願望。如果可以超額達成更多願望的話,日後再跟大家分享。


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180 日 30 個願望

時間:2011 年 7 月 4 日至 12 月 30 日(180 天)

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1. 每天向神感恩和禱告

2. 增加體重

3. 學彈奏 3 首歌曲

4. 每天更新我的 3 個微網誌:新浪微博(Weibo)臉書(Facebook)以及推持(Twitter)

5. 整理和完成我的第一本書

6. 寫新作品

7. 找出版社出版我的書

8. 去 6 個未曾去過的本地景點

9. 試 10 間未曾試過的餐廳

10. 參加 1 個繪畫班

11. 參加 1 個急救班

12. 找專業攝影師拍攝個人照片

13. 為網站更換新模板

14. 把不會重讀的書捐到圖書館

15. 把兩年內沒有穿過的衣物捐到慈善機構

16. 整理和簡化自己的雜物

17. 把沒有用的東西賣或捐出

18. 每星期到公園或海邊散步 1 次

19. 每星期到商場「散步」1 次

20. 學習烹製幾道新菜式

21. 設定 10 款簡單而有營養的早餐和午餐計劃,以助我增加營養和體重。

22. 每個月親手寫一些生日或問候咭,寄給親友。

23. 幫助其他人實現他們的心願

24. 在溫哥華藝術館未搬往新地點前再去 1 次

25. 把 20 本還未看的書看完

26. 看 20 齣電影

27. 在公園野餐

28. 掃描一些喜愛的童年或舊照片

29. 認識新朋友

30. 實現其他沒有寫在這裡的願望

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你有沒有任何 2011 年的願望呢?歡迎你留言或電郵與我分享。:)

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English translation: 30 Wishes in 180 Days

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【更新】我在這 180 天內所經歴和實踐的:

2011 年 七月八月九月十月十一月十二月

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Entering into the month of July, the second half of 2011 began.  While I was thinking about what goals and wishes that I would like to fulfill in this coming half year, I saw a “101 wishes in 1000 days” on the Internet.  It made me thought of some “wish lists” or “to do lists” that I have written before.  But now I just want to write a new wish list for the second half of 2011 (180 days), so I have only written 30 wishes.  If I could fulfill more wishes, I would share with you later.

If you are interested to help or accomplish these wishes with me, please comment or email me. :)

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30 wishes in 180 days

Date: July 4th to December 30th, 2011 (180 days)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Give thanks and pray to God daily

2. Gain weight

3. Learn to play 3 songs

4. Update my 3 microblogs daily: Weibo, Facebook, Twitter

5. Organize and finish my first book

6. Write new pieces

7. Find publishers to publish my books

8. Go to 6 local attractions which I have never been to before

9. Try 10 restaurants which I have never tried before

10. Take a drawing course

11. Take a first aid course

12. Take photos by professional photographer

13. Change a new template for my website

14. Donate the books which I will not read again to library

15. Donate the clothes that I had not worn in the last two years to charity organization

16. Organize and simplify my stuff

17. Sell or donate all useless stuff

18. Walk in the park or near the ocean once a week

19. Mall “walking” once a week

20. Learn to cook some new dishes

21. Set 10 simple and nutritious breakfast and lunch plans, for me to gain nutrition and weight

22. Write and send some birthday or greeting cards to relatives and friends every month

23. Help other people to fulfill their wishes

24. Visit Vancouver Art Gallery once again before it move to the new location

25. Finish reading 20 books

26. Watch 20 movies

27. Picnic at the park

28. Scan some favourite childhood or old pictures

29. Make new friends

30. Fulfill other wishes that I have not written in here

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Do you have any wishes in 2011?  Feel free to comment or email and share with me. :)

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【Updates】What I have experienced and accomplished in these 180 days:

2011  July , August , September , October , November , December  (Chinese only)

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參觀完哈雷阿卡拉火山後,我們的觀光團帶了我們到另一個當地的旅遊點:伊奧溪谷州立公園 (Iao Valley State Park)。左邊的針尖山 (Iao Needle) 是2,000 呎高的岩石峰。

After visiting Haleakala, our day tour brought us to another local attraction: the Iao Valley State Park.  The Ian Needle on the left side is a 2,000-foot lava rock pinnacle.





Watching the beautiful Maui sunset once again before leaving Hawaii.


夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (1)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (2)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (3)

第三天,我們參加了一個一天團,到了哈雷阿卡拉國家公園 (Haleakala National Park),參觀島上最著名的旅遊聖地哈雷阿卡拉火山。

On the third day, we joined a day tour to go to Haleakala National Park, and visit Haleakala, the most well-known attraction on the island.


哈雷阿卡拉火山座落於茂宜島海拔10,023英尺之上。早期的夏威夷人將之命名為「太陽之家」。它是世上最大的睡火山,已有超過200 年沒有爆發。

Haleakala rises 10,023 feet above Maui’s coastal areas.  It’s called “House of the Sun” by early Hawaiians.  It is the world’s largest dormant volcano, has not erupted for more than 200 years.

(有關於「太陽之家」的傳說 About the Legend of the House of the Sun)




Many visitors come here to watch sunrise and sunset.

But because the air on the summit is so rarefied, I had a very hard time breathing up there.  Thank God that I survived eventually!!



Visitors can get a “survivor” certificate at the Haleakala Visitor Center after coming down from the summit.  While others were getting their own survivor certificates, our tour guide brought one to me by herself, because she thinks I’m the REAL SURVIVOR!!


夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (1)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (2)  │  夏威夷 Hawaii 2009 (4)