十二月精選 2015 December Selection:


1. 聖誕快樂!願基督的愛和亮光,在這個普天同慶的日子裡充滿你!

Merry Christmas! May the love and light of Christ be with you during this wonderful season!


2. 「聖誕時節,我們可以用實際行動去給予其他人一個美好的聖誕節,例如:透過慈善機構捐贈禮物,或捐出你的舊衣物和玩具,或付出你的時間和能力去做義工。只要付出一點的愛心和幫助,我們就能讓更多的人分享得到『聖誕快樂』。」

Take actions and give others a “Merry Christmas” practically by doing whatever you can, like: Give some meaningful gifts through the charity organizations, or donate your old clothes and toys, or volunteer your time and energy to help out. Our little acts of kindness may bring someone a warm and happy Christmas.

閱讀更多 Read more:聖誕快樂行動 Merry Christmas Acts


3. 「大部份人都知道,聖誕節是紀念耶穌基督降生的日子。可是想深一層,主耶穌基督之所以來到這世界,是因為神愛世人,於是差遣了祂的獨生兒子耶穌基督,降世為人,並且最終在十字架上,為我們拯擔了所有的罪和疾病,讓我們得生命、自由和釋放。因此,聖誕節真正所紀念和慶祝的是:神的愛臨到世上,並且進入了我們的生命裡。我們感到這個季節充滿愛,那是因為它早已被神的愛充滿了。」閱讀更多:愛的季節

“To many, the purpose of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. But there is more to this holiday than merely Christ’s birth. Jesus came to the world because of God’s love for us. Out of His unconditional love for humanity, God sent His only son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be born as a man for the ultimate purpose of dying on the cross to take away the burden of our sins and sicknesses. His birth is to give us life, freedom, and deliverance. The real meaning of Christmas, then, is to celebrate and remember the greatest expression of the Father’s love for us: He sent His son in order to give us life. The Christmas season is full of love precisely because of the love God demonstrated to us by.” Read more: The Season of Love


4. 2015 年快將結束。在這過去的一年裡,有哪些經歷讓你最難忘?有哪些事情讓你最感恩?現在就來回顧一下,然後預備好進入新的一年。

Year 2015 is coming to the end. In this past year, what is your most unforgettable experience? What are the things that you are most thankful for? Take a review now, and then get ready to enter into the new year.


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我的新書 My new book:

吳蔚蔚 散文集《愛從小事開始》,精選內容及訂購詳情請瀏覽:吳蔚蔚《愛從小事開始》 💕

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