2011 年來到最後一天了。這兩天回顧了我今年在這網站和微網誌上所寫下的點點滴滴,慶幸自己為這一年留下了一些片段,也感恩有機會可以與大家分享這一切。我衷心地感謝你們每一位的閱讀和支持。



藝術館:發掘靈感的一個好去處是逛藝術館,可以欣賞一下不同的藝術家的作品。這星期我與朋友一起再次參觀了 Vancouver Art Gallery(溫哥華藝術館)。原本以為它快要搬往新地點,想在搬遷前再去參觀多一次,但後來才發現那其實是三年後的事。不過仍然很高興能夠與朋友一起在那裡逛一趟。

新嘗試:這個月去了溫哥華市中心的兩間朱古力甜品店 MinkThierry。雖然我不算是朱古力迷,但也很喜歡這種雅緻的甜品店。兩間朱古力甜品店除了有他們自家品牌的朱古力外,也各有不同特色的甜品。

電影:看了 “Sherlock Holmes” 和 “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”。

聖誕送物:有人說:「人生有四個階段:你相信聖誕老人、你不相信聖誕老人、你是聖誕老人、你像聖誕老人」。以前覺得有禮物收很幸福,長大後才明白「施比受更為有福」(徒 20:35)的道理,當自己還有能力可以去付出的時候,才是真正的有福。雖然未必可以跟聖誕老人一樣,派送禮物給世界各地的小朋友,但若能夠付出一點點,也總可以為一些有需要的人帶來溫暖和盼望。這個聖誕我參與了 World Vision Canada(加拿大宣明會)的送禮活動。我喜歡他們有許多不同的項目,讓捐款者可以選擇切合他們心意的禮物,捐贈予有需要的人。而他們有一些 “Multiplers” 項目,捐款者所捐贈的禮物,在其他機構的贊助下,將會被倍增三至十七倍,好讓更多有需要的人,可以透過捐款者的付出而受惠。他們的送禮活動不只在聖誕舉辦,全年都可以參與。

願望實現:我的「180 日 30 個願望」計劃可以說是結朿了,也可以說是重新開始,因為有些目標會不斷地實踐(例如:每天禱告感恩、每星期出外散步⋯⋯ 等),有些未完成的會在新一年完成(例如:增重、出書⋯⋯ 等),有些則會重新開始(例如:閱讀、看電影、認識新朋友、幫助其他人⋯⋯ 等)。每次在訂立新計劃的時候,我也不會奢望自己可以完全地實踐所有的目標,但我知道只要能夠實踐得到其中的一些,也已經是有所得益了。而我在這半年的成績也算不錯,所以我也很滿意了。大部份實踐了的項目都記錄了在我的每月總結和微網誌上,不過有些項目則比較難以記錄(例如:禱告感恩、散步、閱讀、寫作、整理和簡化自己的雜物⋯⋯ 等),但其實也一直在實踐。這次在網站上公開地分享我的願望列表和實踐過程,只為希望可以為大家帶來一點的啟發和鼓勵,盼望你也能夠嘗試去實踐你心中的願望。聽說大部份將要離世的人,都是後悔那些自己沒有嘗試去做的事情,多於後悔那些自己做了的事情—即使是做過但失敗了的事情。因此要珍惜機會去實踐自己的心願,也幫助那些有需要的人去實踐他們的心願。


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至於我的 2011 年,最感恩的事情是:



寫作:今年最喜歡的作品是:《與 Hazie 交換日記》《與 Esther 交換日記》“11-11 Gathering”《許道宏牧師專訪》《整理》《愛的季節》

好吧,告別 2011 年了!祝大家平安喜樂地迎接新的一年!

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English Translation by Haymen Leung

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文章收錄於:吳蔚蔚 2015 年 散文集《愛從小事開始》

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Every year, a hospital in downtown Vancouver holds a Christmas lights decoration fundraiser. The exterior of the hospital is covered in lights to give hope to those battling illness.

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Christmas is many people’s most cherished holiday. As the season approaches, festive decorations fill store windows and public spaces even before the calendar turns December. Everywhere one goes are the unmistakable sights of Christmas trees draped with beautiful ornaments, dazzling displays of colourful lights, and greeting cards and gifts of all shapes and sizes. Also inescapable are the sounds of Christmas carols in the background, wishing listeners all the joy and happiness of the holiday season.

It’s also a very busy time of the year as people frantically prepare to celebrate, party, and feast together. A hectic time to prepare to enjoy the coming holiday cheer and warmth.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, do we know the reason for the season? Are we even aware of what it is exactly that we are celebrating? Or, are we simply caught up in the materialism of the holiday?

To many, the purpose of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. But there is more to this holiday than merely Christ’s birth. Jesus came to the world because of God’s love for us. Out of His unconditional love for humanity, God sent His only son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be born as a man for the ultimate purpose of dying on the cross to take away the burden of our sins and sicknesses. His birth is to give us life, freedom, and deliverance. The real meaning of Christmas, then, is to celebrate and remember the greatest expression of the Father’s love for us: He sent His son in order to give us life.

The Christmas season is full of love precisely because of the love God demonstrated to us by.

On Christmas Day, besides wishing Jesus a happy birthday, take a moment to reflect on what He has done for you and what He has accomplished in your life. Pause and thank Him for His unconditional love and selfless sacrifice.

God has already given us the best gift possible and He hopes that we will share this gift with others. There are many people around us who are waiting and looking for this gift, wishing to have something that could allow them to experience the love and comfort that God meant for us to have. So, go ahead, step out, share this precious gift with others, and let them experience the full and complete life that God intended for us to have through Christmas.

May the love and light of Christ be with you during this holiday season and have a merry Christmas.

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Translated by Haymen Leong.  中文原文

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Carolling, using music to spread holiday cheer and love.