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在月初的時候,我欣賞了知名龬琴演奏家郎朗(Lang Lang)在溫哥華舉行的 “Lang Lang plays Beethoven” 音樂會。上半場首先是由溫哥華交響樂團(Vancouver Symphony Orchestra)演奏兩首貝多芬作品。而郎朗在下半場出場,與溫哥華交響樂團合作演奏了另一首貝多芬作品。最後在 “encore” 時,他則獨奏了一首較短的樂曲。雖然我並不是他的樂迷,但也很高興可以有機會前往欣賞這音樂會。由於他在溫哥華只演一場,所以音樂會全院滿座。而在音樂會完結後,有許多的樂迷都排長隊,等待郎朗為他們簽 CD 和拍照。

接着另一個讓我難忘的活動就是在溫哥華舉行了一連四天的「11﹣11 同心同行大會」(11-11 Gathering)。除了在聚會中的經歴和領受外,這次因為參與了大會網站博客的撰寫工作,所以感受就更加的深刻。此外,在聚會中也認識了一些新朋友,大家都在主內成為了家人。

在這個月裡,讀完了的書有 2 本:《美麗大學 2》(張玉珊著)、和《非寫不可,不寫會死》(李欣頻著)。而看了的電影則比較多,共有7 齣,包括:《全城熱戀》《全球熱戀》“Soul Surfer”《街角洋果子店》、”Merry Madagascar“、”Crazy, Stupid, Love”、”Something Borrowed“。

最近開始有點興趣學習烹製新菜式,不過由於我對烹飪的耐性並不太多,所以只喜歡做一些簡單的菜式。這星期學做了:薑香黑麻油拌麵線。另外,設定了一款營養餐:西多士早餐。還有,嘗試了 1 間新的日本餐廳:Bene Sushi Restaurant。

除了實現自己的心願外,我也很希望能夠啟發和幫助別人去實現他們的心願。因此我參與了 Samaritan’s Purse 一年一度的 “Operation Christmas Child”(聖誕禮物行動),將裝滿了小禮物的禮物盒送給災區和貧困地區的小朋友。此外,我也參與了 Make a Wish Canada 所舉辦的 “Season of Wishes”,支持他們去幫助和實現患重病兒童的願望。大家如果有興趣的話,也可以在這個聖誕一同參與,用行動將愛傳送給有需要的小朋友。


還有一個月可以去實踐我的「180 日 30 個願望」計劃。期待在這 2011 年的最後一個月,可以在回顧過去一年和展望新一年的同時,也能夠盡情地享受和珍惜這個聖誕月份。盼望大家都有一個充滿溫情和歡樂的十二月!:)

上星期參加了一連四天,在溫哥華舉行的「11-11 同心同行大會」(11-11 Gathering)。有朋友問:「那是甚麼聚會?你們在聚會中做些甚麼?」簡單來說,就是一班相信神和祂的應許的人,走在一起,同心合意地尋求神,以及領受祂的話語和旨意。



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11-11 Gathering – Day   (1)  │  (2)  │  (3)  │  (4)

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Image from 11-11 Gathering













































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訪問向山出版社 Interview with Eternal Media

印出一顆天使的心 Interview with Dickey Tam

「這是愛」音樂會 Interview with Dr. Steve Ho



I used to like watching home decorating programs on TV. Each episode invited a professional expert to help decorate a messy and disorganized home, and to give it a new look. Whether it was a small room or a whole house, the experts began first by organizing the space they were going to work on. They did this by clearing all the furniture and clutter out. Nothing was excluded. What was once a huge pile-up all of a sudden became a wide empty space.

After the room was refurbished, the experts would move the furniture back in. The most important pieces were placed first. If it was a bedroom, it might be the bed, bedside cabinets and wardrobe. In the living room it could be the sofa and coffee table, and in the dining room, the table and chairs. Following the important pieces would be the smaller objects and other embellishments. Finally, upon reveal, the room would be beautiful, orderly and useful.

The experts believe that a home should be arranged so that no matter what room, the space is both practical and beautiful. If a room is filled with furniture that is not being used, its usefulness diminishes and chances are, it won’t be used. Experts also point out that when people live in an overstuffed or cluttered environment, it can add to any other feeling of stress or turmoil that they might be going through in their lives. So they suggest that we should try to simplify the furniture and objects in our homes. The experts favor only collecting and displaying items that are of “need” or “favorites”.

Our lives are like a house. We can accumulate all sorts of experiences, thoughts and feelings inside, and sometimes what we collect ends up being chaotic. It becomes difficult for us to deal with. As the German-American painter Hans Hofmann said, “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” We need to understand what is necessary and what is not, putting the important things first and doing them first.

So what is really most important? Is it family, friendship, love, health, career, faith, dreams, shopping, money or other things? For me, I believe that when we let God be the focus and center, He will supply all our needs and make the best arrangements in all aspects of our lives.

What about you? Do you have clutter in your home and your life? Take some time to write down some of the things that you can clear up. Then begin to work your way through them one by one. Maybe you’ll discover that less is actually more.


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English Translation by Haymen Leong


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Originally posted on the Amira Culture website

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My other articles on Amira Culture:

大自然的奧妙和啟示 The Wonder and Lessons of Nature

活出最美好的一年 Make It Your Best Year

愛從小事開始 Love Begins with the Small Things




以前有一段時間,我經常看 HGTV (美國的家居及園藝電視頻道)的家居整理節目。這些節目每一集都會請一位整理專家(professional organizer)去幫助一些擁有淩亂家居而又不善整理的人,讓他們的家居可以煥然一新。無論是小至一個房間,或大至一間屋,整理專家都會先將需要整理的地方清理好,把所有的家具和雜物統統都搬走,一件不留。原本被各種各樣堆積物件阻塞得寸步難行的房間,頓時變得空無一物。房間經過倒空和翻新後,整理專家就會首先放入最重要的家具,例如:在睡房內先放入睡床、床頭櫃、衣櫃;在客廳先放入梳化、茶几;在飯廳先放入餐桌和椅子等。然後,再放置其他實用和合適的家具和物品。最後,房間不但被轉變得寬敞美觀,整齊有序,而且還非常的實用。


其實人生就好比一個大房子,有時候我們不斷地放置和收藏各種各樣的東西,以至於堆積成混亂不堪的境況,才發現自己已經難以去面對和處理。德裔美藉藝術家漢斯·霍夫曼(Hans Hofmann) 曾說:「追求簡約就是剔除不必要的部分,讓必要的部分得以彰顯。」我們需要去認知甚麼是必要的,甚麼是不必要而應該剔除的。要先放入最重要的東西,然後再放置其他合適的東西。




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English Translation by Amira Culture

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文章收錄於:吳蔚蔚 散文集《愛從小事開始》

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原文刊載於 Amira Culture 網站

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其他 Amira Culture 專欄文章:

大自然的奧妙和啟示 The Wonder and Lessons of Nature

活出最美好的一年 Make It Your Best Year

愛從小事開始 Love Begins with the Small Things

