

在信了主的這些年間,神一直不斷地教導和陶造我,讓我經歷了祂許多的慈愛和恩典,也讓我得著了許多的領悟和轉變。曾經在韓國的祈禱山上,有一位姊妹走過來擁著我說:「神的一切安排都有祂最美好的旨意」。我知道這是神藉著那位姊妹對我說的話。而這句說話一直深印在我腦海中,勉勵著我對神的信心,並讓我確信:「萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處」(羅 8:28)在過往的日子中,曾經有過許多的困難與起跌,但神一直與我同在,眷顧和保護著我。祂用無盡的愛來溶化我的心,讓我得著及時的安慰和鼓勵,使我甘心樂意地順服和信靠這位滿有慈愛和恩典的神。祂給了我生存的力量和盼望,也讓我找到了人生的意義和方向。而祂所成就的,往往都是超過我所想和所求的。

人世中縱然有苦難,但在主裡有永恆的愛可以將這些苦難化作祝福。我深信:「靠著愛我們的主,在這一切的事上,已經得勝有餘了。」(羅 8:37)

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Jesus Christ is the Lord and the Love of my life.

Before believing in Christ, I had looked into many different religions in search of a healing miracle. However, this search just brought fear and a feeling of helplessness to me. But there came a time when I felt led to attend meetings in a Christian church. One day while sitting in the last row of the church, I looked at the brothers and sisters worshipping hand in hand, and was suddenly moved to tears. I had never seen such joyful believers in other religions, and had never experienced such a sense of peace and love. At that moment I knew that I had finally found that real God! I dedicated my life to the Lord and became a Christian, and soon after, all my family members became Christians and were baptized.

Since becoming a Christian, God has been teaching and molding me, allowing me to experience His love and grace. He gave me understandings and brought me through many changes. Once on Prayer Mountain in Korea, a sister came and hugged me and said: “All of God’s plans have His good purposes.” I know God spoke these words to me through that sister. I keep them in mind constantly and they encourage my faith in God, convincing me that: “In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) I have been through many difficult times, yet God has been with me all the way; He helps me and protects me. He has melted my heart with endless love, giving me comfort and encouragement, and moved me to obey and trust my loving and gracious God gladly and willingly. He has given me the strength and hope to live, and has led me to find the true meaning and direction of my life. All He has done for me is far more than what I have asked for or imagined.

In this world there are troubles; however, we have the everlasting love of Christ that can turn all troubles into blessings. I am fully convinced that: “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37)

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02. March 2009 · 2 comments · Categories: 近況 Updates · Tags:

2009 年這麼快便已經過了兩個月了。








而至於我自己,2009 年也同樣地面對和經歷著一些轉變。從踏進新一年的第一天開始,便接二連三地出現了一些我意想不到的事情,轉變了我今年和未來的一些路途和方向。




我期待領受神預備在2009 年賜給我們的突破和收成!



當你憂傷時, 請撥:約翰福音 14
When in sorrow, call John 14

當你面對危難, 請撥:詩篇 91
When you are in danger, call Psalm 91

當所有人都令你失望, 請撥:詩篇 27
When men fail you, call Psalm 27

當你覺得上帝離你好遠, 請撥:詩篇 139
When God seems far away, call Psalm 139

當你的信心需要鼓勵時, 請撥:希伯來書 11
When your faith needs stirring, call Hebrews 11

當你又孤單又懼怕時, 請撥:詩篇 23
When you are lonely and fearful, call Psalm 23

當你擔憂時, 請撥:馬太福音 6:19–34
When you worry, call Matthew 6:19-34

當你犯了罪, 請撥:詩篇 51
When you have sinned, call Psalm 51

當你受傷害, 心懷不平時, 請撥:哥林多前書 13
When you grow bitter and critical, call 1 Cor. 13

當你懷疑基督信仰時, 請撥:哥林多後書 5:15-19
For idea of Christianity, call 2 Cor. 5:15-19

當你覺得被遺棄被隔絕時, 請撥:羅馬書 8:31-39
When you feel down and out, call Romans 8:31-39

當你尋找平安時, 請撥:馬太福音11:25-30
When you want peace and rest, call Matt. 11:25-30

當你覺得世界比上帝更大時, 請撥:詩篇 90
When the world seems bigger than God, call Psalm 90

當你需要基督就像需要保險時, 請撥:羅馬書8:1-30
When you want Christian assurance, call Romans 8:1-30

當你出門遠行時, 請撥:詩篇 121
When you leave home for labor or travel, call Psalm 121

當你只顧著為自己禱告時, 請撥:詩篇 67
When your prayers grow narrow or selfish, call Psalm 67

當你需要勇氣去完成一項工作時, 請撥:約書亞書 1
When you want courage for a task, call Joshua 1

當你為投資與通漲晝夜思慮時, 請撥:馬可福音 10:17-31
When you think of investments/returns, call Mark 10:17-31

當你心情低落時, 請撥:詩篇 27
If you are depressed, call Psalm 27

當你的銀行戶口結餘是零時, 請撥:詩篇 37
If your pocketbook is empty, call Psalm 37

當你對所有人失去信心時, 請撥:哥林多前書13
If you’re losing confidence in people, call 1 Cor. 13

當你覺得周圍的人不友善時, 請撥:約翰福音15
If people seem unkind, call John 15

當你失去盼望時, 請撥:詩篇 126
If discouraged about your work, call Psalm 126

當你覺得世界比你小時, 請撥:詩篇 19
If you find the world growing small, and yourself great call Psalm 19

當你希望結出果子時, 請撥:約翰福音15
If you want to be fruitful, call John 15

使徒保羅擁有喜樂的秘訣, 請撥:歌羅西書 3:12-17
For Paul’s secret to happiness, call Col. 3:12-17

當你碰到很好的機遇或洞察先機時, 請撥:以賽亞書 55
For a great opportunity, call Isaiah 55

當你想與其他人和睦相處時, 請撥:羅馬書12
How to get along with fellowmen, call Romans 12